Coronavirus/ Covid-19 Protocols & Procedures
Temporary Changes for your safety
Update- Currently masks are optional in all classes
3/1/2022- Masks are highly recommended and specific class times are mandatory. Mandatory classes are Monday 9:10a & 10:10a and Wed 10:30a & 11:20a. The rest of the classes are optional.
1/1/2022- Masks are Mandating in Reading
6/1/2021 we will allow all vaccinated individuals the option to unmask! Please have your vax card available prior to unmasking! If you have not vaccinated please keep your mask on!
Extra Precautions and Things you Should Know:
Covid-19 Control Plan
Compliance Attestation Poster
Employee and Worker Posters
The most important thing you can do for yourself and family is become proactive about your health. Colds, flu and Covid-19 can be less debilitating when your body and immune systems are healthy and strong. Continue to exercise, eat healthy foods, avoid process foods & sugar, get plenty of sleep, go out in the fresh air, meditate and stay as stress free as possible!
*Self Screen before leaving your house.
Teachers & clients: If you are feeling sick please do not come to the studio.
Please take your temperature, if it is over 100.4– STAY HOME.
If you have been in close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19--STAY HOME.
If you are experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat--STAY HOME.
If you have had a fever in the last 48 hours--STAY HOME.
If you have had a new loss of taste or smell--STAY HOME.
If you have had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours--COME OVER...JUST KIDDING...STAY HOME.
*Phase 2 Private Sessions: We have enough equipment to rotate through so only one client is using the equipment per day! All appointments must be booked and confirmed. The cancellation policy applies.
*Phase 3 Classes:
*All equipment is at least 6 feet apart. There is now a reformer/ chair room and room 2 is now for tower class. Limited to 4 students per room. There will be limited use of each piece of equipment
*Classes are 50 minutes and have been staggered to allow enough cleaning and social distancing time between classes.
*There will be verbal cuing and demonstrations only at this time, no tactile cuing for now.
*All equipment stations will have individual disinfecting wipes/ sprays.
*All clients will still be responsible for cleaning the reformer straps, bars, carriages, footbars, springs, any props or anything touched after class per usual.
*We now have different vinyl straps on all reformers for easier cleaning!
*There may be class consolidations based on cancellations, I hope everyone will be understanding and flexible during this time.
*Feel free to bring in your own props, towels, etc and please feel free to wipe down your reformer again prior to your class. Socks are always required. Masks are now required for everyone, clients & teachers, please wear one when entering. Gloves are optional
*Teachers are responsible for disinfecting of all equipment between classes as well as wiping down the thermometer, all spray bottles or containers of wipes, the door handles for the bathroom, tower room and outside door (both inside and outside); the sink, toilet and hard surfaces in the bathroom, other hard surfaces, light switches, thermostat, computer mouse, drawers, any touch points etc)!
Additional Info:
*We have self–dispensing soap and hand sanitizer available so you will limit things touched.
*We have 3 HEPA air purifiers in the studio to ensure the best air quality.
*Our commercial grade air filter has also just been changed to ensure filtration.
*There are paper towels in the bathroom, please refrain from using the hand blower.
*Please try to limit your bathroom use.
*Water can be brought into the studio but the water cooler will not be available for refills during this time.
*If you have been exposed and have tested positive for Covid-19 please let us know immediately. If there is a known exposure we will take immediate action and shut down if necessary for a deep cleaning and disinfecting in accordance with current CDC guidelines.
*Remember that this is only temporary, but in the end, the studio will be cleaner and we’ll cut down on
the transmission of colds, flus, and other germs!
What to Expect when you Arrive at the Studio- Procedure
Please self screen and check your temperature prior to arriving
Do not enter if you have any coronavirus symptoms
Please leave phones and personal items in your car
You will be let in one at a time
You are welcome to wear gloves if you like
We will take your temperature, if it is above 100.4 you will be asked to leave
Please put shoes and keys on tray inside door
Then please wash your hands
When you are safely on your reformer then the next client will be let inside and so on
(Please feel free to clean your reformer (again) while you are waiting)
When class is over, please clean your reformer thoroughly including the straps, footbar, carriage, springs, and anything that you have touched. Disinfectants will be provided
You will be guided out of the room one at a time, please wait your turn
Please either wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before exiting
At this time we need to limit any indoor socializing, sorry! It’s temporary!
Please feel free to socialize outside as long as you like (keeping your 6 foot distance)
Once the entire class has exited and the teacher has disinfected,
then the next class (or private session) will be let in, one at a time
Thank you for following the procedure and coronavirus precautions.
We hope everyone stays safe and healthy!!